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been there, kid

huge fan of the imgur over here. it's the illustated book instead of the 700 page book that reddit is. perfect for a knucklehead like me. this is the top image over there right now, this kid apparently got caught by his neighbor unceremoniously breaking up with his chick while eating Cheetos. first off thanks for taking a pic from 100 yards away on an old timey camera with negative pixels. if you are going to do surveillance on young romance (ya creepy fuck) then at least upgrade the equipment, pal.

that being said, well done lurker. this makes everyone's day better. why? because we aren't that chick. sheer devastation. the dude would rather stain his hand in cheeto dust than even look her in the eye. such a bold, animalistic move from this young cad, too - here's why, that's 100% his dominant hand and he just dumped free hand jobs McGee over there. that means he is going back to strangling the beef in the briefs solo instead of getting some teenage beeeej.

maybe that is exactly why she's crying on a curb. hunny, little advice for down the road. plenty of fish in the sea, plenty of Cheetos in the bag. i think if you had put your hand down his pants as often as he puts his hand down into a plastic vortex of stainage then he would be rethinking curbing you. (sorry, had to) this guy, obviously, has devolved into an addict as well. diving into that bag like man possessed. gross, orange handed lunatic. good luck to these lost causes, but there's no winners in this photo. only us. we win. haha stupid teenagers.

Schadenfreude at its finest kids.

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